Dream Corp, LLC is an American comedy television series created by Daniel Stessen for Adult Swim. The series concerns Dr. Roberts (Jon Gries) and his team of dream-analyzing doctors at an eponymous psychotherapeutic facility. The series is the first on Adult Swim to use rotoscoping. It premiered on October 23, 2016.
Video Dream Corp, LLC
Dream Corp, LLC concerns a psychotherapeutic facility by the same name. The series was loosely based on the novel "Company Dreamer" by Enan Heneghan, which follows the underdog dream-weaving company, Dream Bow, as its maniacal founder, and co-creator of the D.R.M. (Dream Recording Machine), Corin Carrow, attempts to take on the monopolizing Mind Bard Studios. The studio in the television series is helmed by the easily distracted Dr. Roberts, the facility treats patients with troubling dreams. Roberts employs a team of incompetent scientists to help analyze and record those thoughts plaguing the doctor's patients. The patients are composed of a rotating cast, a selection from which appears in each episode.
Maps Dream Corp, LLC
- Jon Gries as Dr. Roberts
- Stephanie Allynne as Joey
- Ahmed Bharoocha as Ahmed
- Mark Proksch as Randy Blink
- Stephen Merchant as T.E.R.R.Y.
- Nick Rutherford as Patient #088
Billed as a comedy, Dream Corp, LLC was created by Daniel Stessen, known for writing and directing The Gold Sparrow, an animated short film released in 2013, and Enan Heneghan, author of the novel "Company Dreamer" and short mockumentary "Insight Co", both of which served as the basis for the 2016 series. Adult Swim commissioned a pilot based on Stessen's original idea for the series in May 2014, ahead of the network's upfront. The series is mainly produced by Williams Street and Caviar Content. They collaborated with Artbelly Productions and B.E.M.O. to produce it on the animation. Dream Corp, LLC was ordered for a full season in November 2015, and the network made mention of the series in their 2016 upfront.
The series is the first on Adult Swim to use rotoscoping to achieve animation; this technique entails drawing over live-action footage. This process was used for Stessen's short film and the pilot for Dream Corp, LLC. Different from the pilot is the plot, which originally had Roberts and the staff design virtual realities based on the patients' troubling dreams for them to simulate and surmount. Reclusive animator and songwriter Chad VanGaalen was brought on board to provide musical score for the show and also designed "Terry" the office robot.
The trailer for the series was released on October 5, 2016.
On March 2, 2017, Stessen announced on the [adult swim] Development Meeting stream that he had begun the writing stages for Season 2, which was expected to premiere in the fall.
On November 8, 2017, it was confirmed in a bump that Season 2 will consist of 14 episodes, and has been delayed to 2018.
External links
- Dream Corp, LLC on IMDb
Source of article : Wikipedia